
Dirt is No Longer Your Concern

To create clean, peaceful stay and work environments for our clients and to build long-term relationships and understanding their needs and providing for those needs with the highest level of integrity and professionalism in the industry.

3 Years
Experience & Counting

We show up on time. We do what we say we will do. We work hard and complete our job fully and to the best of our ability every time. We don’t cut corners or skip work. After meeting these basic requirements, we are then able to go above and beyond to exceed our clients’ expectations.

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Cleaning spaces

Where we have our eyes & hands

“The only source of knowledge is experience.” – Albert Einstein
Professionalism means we are experienced in our business. Our experience has given us a depth of knowledge that is highly valued by our clients





Washing Mirrors
Change Bedding
Stacking Things Up
Wipe the Floor
Dust Cleaning
Washing Windows
Hard-to-Reach Cleaning
Garbage Сollection
Wipe the Floor
Workplace Cleaning
Sorting Things
Cleaning the Dishes
Glass Washing
Surface Cleaning
Wipe the Floor
Glass Washing
Mold Treatment
Bath Wash
Surface Cleaning
150 0

Cleaners in working

515 0

People use service

320 0

Cleaning per day

110 0

Companies trust us


How our services are rated

Our Statement

Sareafia is here to create and promote a great value cleaning service that delivers on promises each and every time by consistently meeting the needs and expectations of our clients. We care deeply about our clients, employees and the environment around us. We strive for cleaning excellence and to make sure, that every client’s experience with us is an enjoyable one, through a reliable, consistent, thorough, quality controlled, cost effective and guaranteed service. 

We look to give back valuable time to our clients so that the quality of their lives can be enriched. We do the cleaning our clients create the memories! We aim to provide all of this with a dedication to the highest quality of customer satisfaction delivered with a sense of warmth, friendliness, fun, individual pride and company spirit. To build long lasting sustainable relationships with our clients. To be the “go to” supplier of cleaning services locally and nationally. Above all to make our clients smile when they get home by creating that WOW factor
